
Quick Carl and The Wolf Man

Wolf Arm - I remember the day you brought dynamite to school...
what was it...1975?
You wanted the man..Quick Carl, you wanted him bad....
I knew you were nuts man, but Jesus brother...

The day you took me to the trunk of your Blue Nova death mobile....
2 stix of High Velocity DuPont Dynamite....stolen from the mine
you said you were going to place it under the bridge and wait for the son-of-a bitch
......damned Tommy!
You are both long gone now...you & Quick
maybe you've settled the score..or are still at it on the other side
....if it's the latter, the give it to him once for me too wolf man,
for pulling a gun on me in his office
....HS Principal my ass...paranoid megalomaniac with sociopathic tendancies...
hey you... Quick ... man, I know you paid a due

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