
I loathe you plastic man

Yeah man, I see you...is that highlight on your hair?
You, who point a finger at me
You, with your plasticized hair
How much gel did you use dude?...Goddamn I hate the word 'dude'!
Who do you think you are...to mock my silver locks,
my tail and my ring?...fuck you man, I lived it!
I earned my way...I paid the dues
By the way...your jeans dude
How did the knees get torn?
A razor you say?
I wore a razor as an earpiece,
and one around my jugular
So back off...dude...you know nothing of who I am
Do you not see I've done time? ...someone should warn you
Are those Birkenstocks?...steel toes kick the best
I never had a car bought for me, dude...I paid my own way
I know the street, dude
The street on which you live

poem©GW Crow 2008. all rights reserved.

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